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Monday, 5 December 2016

9 Most Disturbing Halloween Murders

Halloween is right around the corner. If you thought the clown in America were scary then check out this video about real murders that took place on Halloween!

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-- Halloween! That means it's time to hang out the fake skeletons, work on your costumes, and buy as much candy as possible.

Not a Peoples person

Let's start the list with complete and utter stupidity. Ledell Peoples: a 55-year-old grown man. In 2011, this grown man got really mad at his 49-year old girlfriend for stealing his bag of candy. They argued, and it got heated.

Marvin vs. Jason

The year is 1982. 70-year olds Marvin and Ethel Brandland were living comfortably in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The Brandlands were long time fans of Halloween, and so they would give out lots of candy to all the trick-or-treaters that would come by. As the elderly couple were enjoying the spooky atmosphere of the night, the doorbell rang.

Killer Drifter

When I say "drifter" I don't mean a down on his luck John Rambo, being kept down by the world. No, when I say "Drifter" I mean someone who rolled a high Charisma and Luck stat, but not much else.

Cyanide and Old Laced Pixy Stix

Ronald Clark O'Bryan was a lot of things in 1974. Broke, murderous, and over-all psychotic being some of those things. O'Bryan had a gambling problem, and he also had a losing problem. He was massively in debt.

Ghost Faced Killa

Not much information on this one, the case is still open, but essentially: The year was 2013... and somewhere In Brooklyn, a man wearing a GhostFace mask from the movie Scream walked up to a 19-year-old named Anthony Seaberry and shot the boy the death on Halloween.

A sad case of Lisa French

1973. Halloween night, and 9-year-old Lisa French was enjoying herself, trick-or-treating as a hobo. The enjoyment pretty much died when she knocked on the door of Gerald Turner... and so did she.

AK-47 through the door

Drug dealers are some jumpy people. Like, really, really jumpy. Take for example, Quentin Patrick from Sumter, South Carolina.

Not a great party

Halloween parties are the reason adults like Halloween.

Honorable Mentions:

A 15-year-old attempted to prank his family by fake-hanging himself on Halloween. He miscaculated, and actually hung himself to the horror of his family.

A 9-year-old girl was trick-or-treating in a skunk costume, and her uncle shot her in the back with his 12-gauge. Because a 9-year-old looks exactly like a skunk, right?....

In 1998, a 21-year-old man was driving his girlfriend and her son home from a halloween part, but what awaited them was a group of kids throwing eggs at their car. When the man stepped out to confront the kids, one pulled out a hand-gun and shot the man in the head, killing him.The children scattered and no-one was convicted of the murder.

The Tool Box Killers

The Tool Box killers were a pair of serial killers operating in California in 1979. They would use hammers, pliers and other things one might find in a standard tool box to commit their heinous crimes.

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