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Friday 2 December 2016

Strangest Most Bizzare Traditions

Our world culture contains some bizarre and strange traditions, these insane customs by some religions and cultures will amaze...

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-- throwing

This tradition is one that could invoke a slew of really twisted bad jokes, but its something that is taken rather seriously in India. Practiced for the last 500 years or so, This takes place by tossing a newborn off of a temple from 50ft high in the air, and catching them in a cloth.

Food for the dead

In Roman culture, you can sometimes find pipes protruding from the gravesites of long buried dead romans. This is solely for a ritual known as feeding the dead, in which those who mourn can pour honey, wine, and any sort of food-like substances in an effort to pay tribute and keep the memory of the person alive.

Tooth Filing

The Hindu religion has a lot of mysticism and rituals that surround it, and so it should be no surprise that tooth filing is accepted as a normal thing. In the Balinese cultureits become a right of passage for those young folk who want to make the transition into puberty and is a requirement before being able to wed.

La Tomatino

In spain, they love tomatoes. So much that every year on the last wednesday in August theres a festival that surround the juicy fruit. Its said that in 1945 there was a parade in the town square and some youths who wanted to be involved staged a fight..

The day of Ashura

Religion brings you some of the most interesting rituals ever; Praying the rosary, being splashed with water, and.. beating yourself with a whip? The day of ashura takes place on the tenth day of the first month of the islamic calendar, involving a select group of Shia Muslims who join together in a ceremony that incorporates body whipping with special chains that have razors and knives attached.

Kanamara Matsuri

Now.. this next tradition is downright mind boggling but thats to be expected because it comes from the land of the rising sun. Japan is no stranger to things of an odd nature, so its no surprise that they ave a festival dedicated to the penis

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