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Sunday 1 January 2017

10 Most Common Poisonous Substances

There are a lot of poisonous substances that can kill you! Here we present to you 10 dangerous toxins, that are probably within your surroundings.

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-- about everyone has endured some sort of food poisoning at some point in their life, but it'll take more than clear liquids and bed rest to recover from these toxins.


No, this isn’t found at your favorite Chinese restaurant. It’s found in the castor oil plant, which is also commonly used as decoration. Ricin is a protein that affects cells’ protein builders, leading to organ damage.

The Silent Killer.

This next toxin could be found in your home, but you might not know it until it’s too late. Carbon monoxide is responsible for 20 to 30 thousand accidental poisonings and approximately 500 deaths, making it one of the most common types of air poisonings.


Deemed one of the most fast-acting toxins, cyanide can kill in a few short minutes. Cyanide is available in a gas or solid form, both of which are extremely toxic.

Toxic Pesticide.

Sarin was developed to be used as a pesticide in Germany in the early 1900s, but it turned out to be a deadly biological weapon that’s 26 times more deadly than cyanide.


We’ve all see the commercials: If you or a loved one has died due to an asbestos-related illness, call now. I’m not sure how you’re going to call if you’re dead, but I digress. Asbestos isn’t one poisonous’s the name for a large group of minerals that are all comprised of bunches of fibrous crystals.

Poisonous Shrooms.

If you’ve kept up with the news lately, you’ve probably seen the sad sad story of a three-year-old boy that died from ingesting a Death Cap mushroom. The Death Cap mushroom he ingested contains Amatoxin, a type of toxin that naturally occurs in several varieties of mushrooms.


This next poisonous substance could be on your favorite Japanese menu. Tetrodotoxin, commonly found in some varieties of fish, crabs, and shellfish, is one of the most toxic substances, but the problem is that there isn’t an antitoxin for this poison.

Frogs Don’t Just Give You Warts.

Poisonous creatures aren’t just found in the sea...they’re also found in the rainforest. The poison dart frog contains the toxin, batrachotoxin.


Of course, we can’t leave this old-timey toxin off this list. Arsenic was extremely popular during the Victorian era.

TCDD is a deadly toxin created in nature and in labs.

Digitalis is plant that’s commonly found in some cardiac medications, such as digoxin, to regulate the heartbeat and treat heart failure.

Polonium-210 is a slow-killing radioactive substance that’s most commonly known for killing Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko.

Botox Could Kill You.

The ultimate killer on this list is something you may be exposed to regularly...Botox. It’s the most toxic substances found in nature.

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