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Wednesday 7 December 2016

10 Funniest Internet Hoaxes Ever

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-- would think that with constant access to the internet... we would be able to tell right from wrong and real from fake, but apparently just evades some people. Join us as we have a look at internet hoaxes that fooled a lot of people.

Charging an Ipod with an onion and some Gatorade

Hey, do you hate it when your Ipod runs out of battery? Yeah? Wish you could charge it using a method far more complex than just... you know, plugging it into a wall?! YEAH?! Well have we got news for you! You can TOTALLY charge any Ipod or Iphone using this one weird trick, Apple hates it!

15 Days of Darkness

So when NASA says on Facebook that an explosion on Jupiter will plunge the entire earth in total darkness for 15 days, we believe it, right? I mean, they're NASA! Oh wait, they made this global announcment on FaceBook?

Giant Camel Spiders

War is hell. Let's not mince words or glorify it. War is two countries sending their young men and women to kill each other over some opposing ideals or desire for power or land. That being said, in 2004, a chain email hoax starting making waves, claiming that the American soliders in Iraq had more to deal with than just the war, but the Giant Camel spiders as well.

The Montauk Monster

Ok, let's be fair on this one... We don't have any clue what this thing is either, but what we do know is that it's not an alien, or monster, as many have claimed it to be. This... "thing" made it's grand entrance in Montauk, New York in July 2008.

The Derbyshire Fairy

Dan Baines is a prop-maker out of Derbyshire, England. He's pretty good at his job... like when he made a little fairy corpse as an April Fools joke. Unfortunately, many fairy enthusiasts didn't quite get the joke, and Dan got hundreds of hundreds of emails about the fairy, including one telling him to return the body to it's grave.


Fight Club was such a good movie! It was surreal, and heart-pounding, and that TWIST. Wouldn't it just be the coolest if there was an app that let us have Fight Club in real life? Wuzzat? Rumblr? A Tinder-style app that let's you find people to fight? Great!

Bigfoot Corpse

Americans really, desperately want to believe in Bigfoot. We will search everywhere for any kind of proof that we can find. So when two guys claim to have the corpse of our beloved woodland creature, we eat it right up.

Maria Loy Mo

Covered by a Japanese website, Maria Loy Mo was supposedly a british mother of two of got breast implants for her 30th birthday. Due to some... complcations, her boobs turned into 4 boobs. Yeah, this is the most obviously fake entry on this list, but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate the photoshopped image of this woman with four boobs. Give "Total Recall" a run for it's money.

New Orleans Kidney Theft

Kidney's apparently fetch a pretty penny on the black market, or at least it would seem so, with how many kidneys get stolen. That doesn't mean that there was a gang of kidney thieves operating in New Orleans in 1997. The rumor spread fast and hard, though... so much so that people were passing up on going to Mardi Gras for fear of waking up in a bathtub of ice with something important missing from their side. This propted the New Orleans police department to relase an offical statement saying that the theives didn't exist. Seriously, Mardi Gras is a big source of income for the city, not having those tourists would have been a pretty big blow to the economy.


Lonelygirl15 was a youtube vloger in 2006. She was 16, and basicly just talked about normal teenage angst and school problems and the like. She even had a MySpace page. Things started getting dark when, later on, she would describe in detail the satanic cult her parents were in, and the horrifying things she had witnessed. Well, the thing is, she wasn't 16, and the whole thing was actually an elaborate "Blaire Witch Project" style web drama.

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