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Tuesday 27 December 2016

10 Captivating Facts About the Titanic Sinking

Everyone has heard of the Titanic and the tragic story about the ship hitting an ice-berg. A lot of people died by this accident. Here we take a look at the stories behind the sinking ship.

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-- the Titanic. The unsinkable ship and the story almost everyone in the world has heard of. The 882 ft 9 in long ship carried over 3000 passengers on a journey from Southampton to New York until it hit an iceberg and unfortunately also hit the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. Titanic is the only ocean liner that’s been ever sunk by an iceberg. More than 1500 passengers lost their lives on April 15th, 1912 and only 336 bodies were recovered. But their stories live on. Join us as we explore just a few stories of the fascinating Titanic and its 3000 passengers.

So what exactly is the story behind the real Titanic necklace?

Famously portrayed in the same-named movie starring Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio, it turns out that the necklace story is actually real! The names you need to know are Kate Florence and Henry Morley. They were lovers - he was 40 years old and she was 19. He wwas the owner of the confectionery shop and she was his counter assistant.

So how did they end up on the Titanic?

They planned to get married on the ship and start a new life together. Morley left his wife and his young daughter to be with Kate and gave her a valuable sapphire necklace. Sounds familiar, huh?

Unfortunately, the two never had the happily ever after they wanted. After the iceberg struck, Kate managed to escape the disaster and was taken in the very last lifeboat. And Morley? Unfortunately, he wasn’t so lucky.

Here’s a name you should know: Robert Hopkins

His heroism was never recognized, even though it was portrayed in the blockbuster movie. But the fact was, Robert Hopkins was one of the unnamed Titanic heroes and only 73 years after his death did his gravestone finally recognize him for his actions.

Alcohol saved one man from death on the Titanic

Titanic’s chief baker, Charles Joughin, was known as the last survivor to leave the RMS Titanic. His life could’ve been saved when he was assigned captain of the lifeboat 10, the same lifeboat Masabumi Hosono jumped onto. But after seeing that three men were already operating the boat, he realized there was no chance.

A book about the sinking of the Titanic was written 14 years before Titanic sunk

We’ve all heard of people coincidentally predicting the future, but this is the one that’s truly mindblowing. In 1898, Morgan Robertson published a novella called Futility. It was a story about the largest ship ever built and called unsinkable by its British owners.

Here’s the weird part: the plot of the story could’ve easily been the plot of the Titanic - well, umm, actually, it is the plot of the Titanic. The details are so similar, it freaked out many conspiracy theorists.

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