Saturday, 4 February 2017

8 Dark Melania Trump Facts

A lot of people ask themselves how Melania Trump - Donald Trumps wife - made it all the way to the top. Here we present to you some facts and secrets about the first lady.

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-- Melania Trump. Many people are baffled and failing to understand how Melania made it all the way from the small country of Slovenia to the White House. Born on April 26, 1970, Melania is Trump’s third wife and has one child with the man - Barron Trump, born on March 20, 2006.

Melania’s dark stories start from the moment she was born.

Her parents, Viktor and Maria, hid something from Melania and possibly from everyone else too. You see, Melania has a brother she has never met.

But the story gets even more intense. Back in 1964, when Viktor and Maria were dating, Maria got pregnant and.. Let’s just say Viktor wasn’t happy about it He demanded an abortion, claiming the child wasn’t his.

Did you know that she’s the only first lady that has ever posed nude in her past?

Well well well, seems like Melania didn’t do just modeling in her young days. Only three years before she fell for Trump, Melania posed nude for a French men’s monthly magazine And she wasn’t alone doing it.

Here’s something that will blow your mind - she supports Trump’s policy on immigration.

Erm.. has Melania forgotten she was once an immigrant? That she came from Central Europe, spoke terrible English (and she still does) and had to work to get to where she is today?

But guess what - Melania doesn’t always agree with her husband.

She also told she doesn’t always agree with Donald Trump and advised him several times to act more presidential.

Cheater, cheater, bad speech reader

If you haven’t heard of this one, where have you been in the past year?! Social media went crazy once the Internet realized Melania copied her Democratic convention speech from the one and only Michelle Obama.

Here’s a part of Melania’s speech: “because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.”

She is literally raising a little version Donald Trump

Beware - Barron Trump might as well be called Donald Trump Jr - which is what Melania calls her son. If you’ve been wondering what kind of a child Barron is, this might give you a good idea.

And do you remember the creepy sex call between her and Howard Stern? Melania didn’t seem to care she was being inappropriately objectified.

Howard Stern is no saint, so there’s no wonder things got raunchy when he had one of the most misogynistic interviews with Melania’s husband back in 1999. Back then, Melania was just Trump’s girlfriend and Stern might’ve took it one step too far, saying “let me talk to that broad in your bed” - a simple “Can you get Melania on the phone” would be a better answer instead, Howard.

Did you know she never actually graduated from a Slovenian university and Slovenians are slowly outing her lies?

Yup, Melania claims she has a so called university degree in architecture - the truth is, she dropped out of college and her birth country confirmed there have been no dissertations found under her name.

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