Wednesday, 8 February 2017

25 Most BIZARRE THINGS Ever Sold On eBay

Can you guess some of the most bizarre things ever sold on eBay? This may not come as a surprise to some of you but people have sold some really bizarre things on the site. Like REALLY bizarre. Founded in 1995, eBay is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company, providing consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales services via the Internet. Every day, millions of collectibles, decor, appliances, computers, furnishings, equipment, domain names, vehicles, and other miscellaneous items are listed, bought, or sold on eBay. For the most part, they are all normal stuff...for the most part. But then you get those items, the ones that make you say to yourself "Who would buy this?!", then realize you, you would buy this. From a ghost in a jar and Britney Spears´ hair to New Zealand (the actual country) and an unfaithful wife, here are 25 Most Bizarre Things Ever Sold On eBay.

25 Most Bizarre Things Ever Sold On eBay | List25

Illinois-shaped cornflake - That's the last state I needed to complete my United States of Cornflakes collection!

Water left by Elvis Presley - That's gotta smell by now, right?

Ad space on man´s forehead - I'm picturing "List25" on his forehead.

Meaning of life - Maybe it was just the instruction manual for the board game.

Guinea pig armor - Well, duh. Who wants exposed guinea pigs?

E.T.-shaped breakfast - That the last character I need to complete my 80's-iconic-movie-character-shaped food collection!

Ghost in jar - Well, yeah. You ever try to keep a ghost in a net? Although I heard shells work pretty well.

Right to name baby - George Foreman should've done this.

Britney Spears’ pregnancy test - Yeah, this one's pretty bizarre.

New Zealand - At what point would they have to tell all the residents?

Ian Usher´s life - Again, could have just as easily been the board game.

Casey Anthony´s Halloween mask - Why?

Brussels sprouts leftover - Not many people like them when they're fresh, let alone left overs.

The town of Bridgeville - I'll take one town, please.

Virgin Mary-shaped grilled cheese sandwich - That's the religious icon I needed to complete my food-items-that-look-like-religious-icons collection! (I have a lot of specific collections).

Meteorite from Mars - If it's legit, that's pretty awesome. The price? Not so awesome.

New sea urchin species - Well, that's one way to find a new species.

Combat jet - Better luck next time.

German language - So would people have to pay the winner whenever they spoke German? How would this sale have worked?

Soccer team - One soccer/football team, please.

Lunch with Warren Buffet - And which "lunch with a celebrity" would $5 get me?

Golf balls eaten by snake - More like One Thousand FORE-hundred, amirite?

Sending cremated remains to space - To infinity and beyond, I guess.

Britney Spears´s hair - I wonder if the person who bought the pregnancy test also bid on this auction.

Unfaithful wife - I feel like this isn't legal. Just a hunch.

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