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Sunday, 4 December 2016

Great Things Done by Horrible People

Great people do great things, but what if historically, horrible people also did good too? Here is a shocking list of terrible and horrible people who did great things.

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-- Great Things Done by Horrible People

No matter how evil a person may be, there's always bound to be at least the tiniest bit of good coming from them. Here we look at some great things done by horrible people.

The psychopathic dictator hardly needs any introduction to his list of war crimes. A man whose hatred, twisted thinking, and delusions of grandeur lead him to start the second world war, and subsequently caused millions of innocent people to lose their lives.

In the 13th Century Genghis Khan and his Mongol horde set out to conquer the world like crazy; and went on to kill, rape, pillage, and burn down countless whole villages and cities in the process.

The revolutionary Mao fighter established a new China based on communist ideologies following world war 2, which he ruled as an absolute autocrat.

One could not mention Josef’s name without gulags coming to mind. The Soviet dictator was a highly paranoid man who brutally suppressed his enemies, political opponents, as well as close people within his own party who he deemed as threats.

The middle eastern dictator saddam came to power through a military coup in the late 70s. He was responsible for the death of up to a million Kurds under his rule, and that's just one of many in his incredibly long list of human rights abuses

The Russian Tsar Ivan was indeed a terrible person who performed countless terrible acts, with the Massacre of Novgorod as proof of what a brutal and mentally unstable person he was.

Vladimir established the first ever communist nation, and put Karl Marx's writings into a practiced ideology. He instituted the "red terror" in Soviet Russia, which was the systematic elimination of millions of people, including those within his own political party

When Pot came to power he established the Khmer dictatorship, and naively envisioned a communist nation where everyone would live equally by all means. When his reforms didn't get the results he expected, he resorted to punishing his citizens by depriving them of all basic rights.

General Butt Naked was what people called him, an army commander during the First Liberian Civil War in the early 90s often go into battle wearing nothing but shoes and a rifle, believing his nakedness to be a source of protection.

Some might revere Napoleon as a hero who saved France. But you can't argue the fact that he was an extremely ruthless dictator hell bent on expanding his territory, regardless of the sufferings he caused.

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