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Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Longest Mexican Smuggling Tunnels

The United States longest smuggling tunnels EVER from Mexico into the USA. A look inside the secret world of illegal smugglers and human traffickers.

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-- things just love to travel underground… moles.. bugs… drug kingpins… join us as we have a look at some of the longest tunnels that were ever dug into the united states.

a group of smugglers decided they could do just as well with some dig dug action, and began the construction of a tunnel in the basement of a house that was on the border between the us and Canada in Washington state. Its new owner, Devandra Raj, spent close to 600 thousand dollars for a piece of land on a rural road that featured a decaying old farmhouse, a dilapidated greenhouse and an old military style garage of which him and his friends paid special attention to to renovate, neglecting the other buildings. It would be later discovered that an illegal tunnel had ever been discovered going from Canada into the united states.

You simply cant talk about drug smuggling tunnels without referring to the infamous El Chapo and his massive network of tunnels used for both trafficking and escaping from the authorities. So to begin, we will focus on some of the creative and elaborate underground systems used by the man and his cohorts. Living on the run for 13 years.

In 2007, a tunnel was discovered near Yuma Arizona inside of an old house after a border patrol agent thought he had encounterd a sink hole when his watering truck sank 3 feet into the ground. Upon investigation, the home nearby was discovered to have the beginnings of an operation for a tunnel that spanned at least 250 feet from mexico into Yuma. Once the truck was pulled out of the ground the agents realized it was actually a tunnel operation.

In January of 2006 a tunnel was discovered by a team of drug enforcement officials that included the DEA and the department of Immigration and customs along with the help of the us border patrol task force. Running from a warehouse near an airport close to Tijuana into a large structure in San Diego California, the 2400 foot tunnel was 5 feet high and went 90 feet into the ground. Lights and electricity were strewn through its body, and it came equipped with a ventilation system as well as a water drainage system to keep its concrete floor dry. When discovered, the structure in san diego was filled with 2 tons of marijuana.

3 men were arrested in Nogales in 2014 when their tunnel operation was found out. At that time it was noted as being the largest smuggling tunnel ever, and spanned 481 feet.. about the equivalent of one and half football fields. The tunnel was 3 foot high and two feet wide, featuring electricity, lighting and ventilation… and ran from nogales mexico into Nogales Arizona… and after stopping a truck that was leaving the Arizona house, officials would confiscate close to 600 pounds of marijuana along with other illicit drugs. And nogales is a popular place for drugged up spelunkers… with more than 100 tunnels having been discovered originating from beneath its soil. Leaves one to wonder when the whole town will just fall into the ground.

in 2010 one of the most elaborate and well laid out drug smuggling tunnel operations was thwarted, originating from Tijuana and running into Otay Mesa, California. This tunnel had a massive stretch of 2200 hundred feet.. featured complex lighting, ventilation, and even a railway system. The walls were lined with concrete 4 feet high.. and 20 tons of marijuana was confiscated.

Its estimated that tunneling systems like these can take up to 6 months to a year to construct, and cost cartels millions. The highest concentration of tunneling operations sits along the borders of Arizona and California, and once one gets discovered and shut down… another starts construction elsewhere in a never ending saga of the united states war on drugs.

Lets hear from you though… do you know of any tunnels, or maybe you’ve been involved in digging one. Let us know in the comments below. And while you’re here be sure to like this video and share it with your friends. Also.. check out our video on the dumbest prison escapes ever.

Thanks for watching.

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