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Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Strangest Things to EVER Fall from the Sky

The strangest things ever to ever fall from the sky, you won’t believe this most bizarre top 7… Spiders? Puppies? Cash? We have it all!

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-- Weirdest Things that Fell from the Sky

A lot of things fall from the sky like rain, snow, … and occasionally meteorites. But sometimes the weirdest things beyond our imaginations come falling down. Here's our list of the weirdest things that have dropped from the sky.

7. Puppies

This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "raining cats and dogs". In 2012, 7 year old Taylor Callaway witnessed a puppy plummet into his grandmother's backyard in Los Banos, California. The little thing was seen falling from the sky, before bouncing upon impact.

6. Raw Meat

On a clear day in March 1867 in the little Kentucky town of Olympia Springs, for a period of several minutes, pieces of meat began to fall from the sky onto the property of one Allen Crouch. These were big chunks of meat, between 2 inches square to 4 inches square. The people called it the "Kentucky Meat Shower".

This was quite a while back in 1867, so how did we know this happened? Multiple publications reported this phenomenon including the New York Times and Scientific American, so this really happened. The bizarre event has since garnered attention from both the scientific and pseudoscientific communities.

5. Human Waste

October 18, 1992: Brothers Gerri and Leroy Cinnamon were watching a football game in their home in Woodinville, Washington when all of a sudden something came crashing through their roof. Leroy said that he expected to see Superman soar through the hole. But it was actually a bunch of baseball sized chunks of bluish green ice. Not far from Leroy's first guess, since it could still be Kryptonite.

4. Creamer Powder

If you lived in Chester, South Carolina between 20 to 40 years ago you could have gotten free creamer in your coffee just by stretching your arm out outside while holding your cup of coffee. Because for years, the clouds of Chester would occasionally rain down white rain made of

3. Worms

One morning in Jennings, Louisiana in 2007, Eleanor Beal, a Jennings Police Department employee, was crossing the street to work and all of a sudden small brown balls started falling from the sky. Eleanor took a closer look at the brown blobs that had fallen onto the pavement to find that they were in fact large, crawling clumps of tangled-up worms. Shocked, she called a co-worker, who went out and confirmed what she saw wasn't just in her head.

2. Spiders

Imagine looking up into the sky and seeing what appears to be a curtain of spiders just raining down from the sky. Now we're not talking tens or even hundreds, but thousands of spiders up above.

This actually happened to Erick Reis who was shooting an engagement party for some friends in Sao Paolo, Brazil in 2013. He recorded what he saw, and posted it on the internet where you could see thousands of spiders suspended in the air. Erick said he was so distracted, he forgot his camera was getting wet in the rain.

1. Large Metal Balls

In late 2015, Spanish shepherds were herding goats in Murcia, Spain when they stumbled upon a strange object: A large metal sphere, totally out of place in the green grass fields. Later that week, another mysterious ball landed somewhere in the same village, then a third ball a few miles away. They were 3 feet wide, and weighed 44 pounds. The locals called them "bolas especial", meaning space balls.

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