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Tuesday 6 December 2016

Top 5 Unluckiest People in the World

Unlucky or lucky? Survivors of the most bizarre accidents and events, here is a Top 5 of the most disastrous true stories.

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-- Unluckiest People in the World

Whenever you feel your life sucks, just remember there are more unfortunate people on the planet. Join us as we look at 5 of the unluckiest people in the world who faced life crushing disasters repeatedly throughout their lives.

5. Jason and Jenny Cairns-Lawrence - Witnessed 3 Attacks

What are the odds of finding yourself in the middle of an attack? Apparently not so low these days. But how about being in 3 separate attacks in 3 different cities across the globe? That's exactly what happened to Jenny and Jason Cairns-Lawrence, an English couple from the Midlands.

4. Violet Jessop - Survived 3 Ship Disasters

We really can't tell if Violet Jessop should be considered lucky or unlucky. The woman was unfortunate enough to be on 3 different disastrous ship cruises, but fortunate enough to survive all of them.

3. Melanie Martinez - Lost 5 Homes to 5 Different Hurricanes

Hurricane Katrina was definitely one of the worst ever natural disasters to hit the United States, with thousands of homes destroyed, hundreds of souls lost, and more than a hundred billion dollars in total damages. But one woman distinctly made national headlines, as she had lost her fourth home to that hurricane storm. Dubbed "the unluckiest woman in America

2. Tsutomu Yamaguchi - Survived 2 Nuclear Blasts

Only 2 nuclear attacks have ever been launched in the history of mankind. Tsutomu Yamaguchi was unlucky enough to be in both of them. During the Second World War, Yamaguchi was a young draftsman who designed oil tankers for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, living in Nagasaki with his family.

1. Roy Sullivan - Struck by Lightning 7 Times

Lightning never strikes twice at the same place right? Well, Roy Sullivan would have told you otherwise, and was proof that that myth about lightning is totally wrong. Roy got hit lightning not once, not twice, but a total of seven times throughout his 71 years of existence, and survived all of them!

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