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Monday 5 December 2016

Top 8 Forgotten Celebrity Scandals

Celebrity Scandals the world forgot! Here are the top celebrity addictions, affairs, and arrests deserving a remember. Call it throwback Tuesday... ;)

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-- Downey Jr, drug fiend.

After a rapidly evolving career explosion due to several successful films in the 1980s, downey found himself in the throws of excess and addiction.. and through the 90s became the subject of multiple arrests for drugs including cocaine, heroin and pot. Failed rehabs, trouble upon trouble, and a jail stint seemingly be the nail in the coffin of anyones career. But today, due to his immense popularity and sobriety many people have forgotten about the once troubled actors toxic past. Honorable mentions Kate Moss

Alec Baldwin, father of the year.

in a bitter custody battle with his ex wife Kim Basinger… his daughter Ireland had missed a call from her father and it sent him into rage mode. He left a scathing voicemail which soon made its way viral in which Baldwin lambasted his young offspring, calling her derogatory names like “rude thoughtless little pig” and talking about how she needed to be beaten. His daughter said at the time she didn’t even think it was bad, that he was just frustrated, but then why would she allow it go viral? In the aftermath Baldwin lost a year of visitations rights and even considered killing himself due to the repercussions of his actions.

Martha Stewart, convicted felon.

Martha was involved in some insider trading, which is a huge no no. She lied about it.. got caught.. and served 5 months in a posh resort… errr… a federal pen in West Virginia. …today shes on the streets begging for crack. Just kidding, these days she is wealthier than ever, enjoys multiple mansions, was inducted into the new jersey hall of fame… and was last seen on PBS producing her own cooking show.

Eddie Murphy, LGBT supporter.

Its been close to 20 years since we all heard about Eddie Murphy and his preferences towards transvestite prostitutes.. and come to think of it, since we have heard about anything even remotely successful that hes done. It would be after a string of horrible films that included Vampire in Brooklyn that Murphy pulled up to the curb in the wee hours of the night, talked to a lady of ill repute and let the 21 year old supposed damsel in distress into his land cruiser and drove away. Police observed this activity, followed the buckwheat impersonator for a while and then pulled the car over. Honorable mention here to Hugh Grant

Michael Jackson and the dangling baby

Prince Michael the 2nd was covered in a blanket and his proud new papa held him over the railing of his hotel suite in Berlin by his shoulders. This shocked hordes of people who couldn’t believe a person would treat a child that way.. it was the subject of media immersion for what seemed like weeks on end, and then suddenly it just kind of went away

Kanye West and his views on George Bush

Now we all know that Kanya is rather outspoken when he wants to be. His flamboyant attire that even makes puff daddy cringe, and his views on certain things as well as an uncontrollable mouth have made him the butt end of jokes and the center of some controversies.. theres the taylor swift mic steal… theres the failed fashion shows.. and then theres calling out the leader of the country. When Hurricane Katrina had come and gone and left a massive wake of destruction in its path, naturally celebrities jumped in to help and in one particular call to action it was thought to be a good idea to pair Kanye with comedian Mike Meyers. Honorable mention here to the Dixie chicks… who took to also blasting George

Britney loses her mind.. and her hair.

things eventually got strange in her life… she married K-fed… shocked everyone further by actually creating offspring with him.. and then took a huge leap off the deep end after their divorce. Late one night in 2007, Britney shaved her head… and went ballistic. Never before had a haircut gained such media attention, and the whole thing lead to her being locked up in a psych ward. She would rebound though… and today seems to be right back in the place of her heydays.

honorable mentions to the following: Michael Richards and Elvis Costello, Pee Wee Herman, Woody Allen, David Letterman

Nipplegate, 2004.

Now remembered as nipplegate, the performance spawned pop culture phrases like “wardrobe malfunction” and made the FCC fall to their knees in clamor. At the last second of their well hyped performance together, Justin Timberlake rips the cup off of Janets brazier and exposed her to world. Apparently it was only supposed to reveal Jacksons red lace bra beneath her costume.. but then why would she also be wearing nipple jewelry if that were the case? I mean.. ive removed a lot of bras in my life and none of them ever gave you the ability to take off just one cup.

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