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Saturday 3 December 2016

Worlds Deadliest Undetectable Poisons

The worlds deadliest poisons; most undetectable and innocent-looking, but deadly poisonous when used with intent to kill! Here's the top 7 murder culprits

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-- truth is, people have used poisons to kill for centuries. Sometimes it’s liquid, sometimes it’s plants but most of the time it’s just a small, innocent-looking thing that’s very deathly. Kids, do yourself a favor and don’t ever try this at home. Join us as we have a look at poisons that can be used to kill you

1. Nightshade

This thing might just look like a simple, innocent plant but the truth is, it’s extremely toxic and can end your life. Every part of Nightshade is poisonous, including its shiny black berries, as it holds the alkaloid Atropine and scopolamine drugs.

2. Hemlock

This dainty looking plant is actually extremely poisonous and its effects are quite fascinating. If taken, the plant will cause paralysis of your various systems..and most commonly, it stops you from breathing and eventually causes death.

3. Strychnine

Oddly enough, this poison has been used in a diluted form as a somewhat natural remedy as well as a performance-enhancing drug for athletes, as a technique to cut street drugs... and also as a rat poison.

4. Curare

Despite belonging on this list of poisons, curare, as the name suggests, was actually used for medicinal purposes in a diluted form. The alkaloid poison found inside the plant causes paralysis.

5. Arsenic

People even call it “The King of Poisons” as it’s so discreet and sneaky, it’s impossible to find out whether the death was intentional or just a mere accident.

6. Tetrodotoxin

So let’s move on to some of the weirdest, but common poisons. Tetrodotoxin can be found in fish and other sea creatures. The blue-ringed octopus and the puffer fish both contain tetrodotoxin. Out of the two, the octopus has the deadliest poison that can kill as many as 26 adults with just a simple small dose.

7. Mercury

There are three types of Mercury which you should avoid if you want to live a long, healthy life. The first, also known as elemental mercury, (found in old school glass thermometers) Second; inorganic mercury (found in batteries) Third; organic mercury, commonly found in fish

8. Cyanide

Cyanide is the only drug on this list that has A-list popularity. It’s the first choice, poisoning weapon, used by real life people along with book and movie characters.

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