The TSA makes some pretty weird confiscations on a day to day basis. Smugglers try to smuggle the strangest stuff past TSA. These are some of the ones that got caught, we can only imagine what all was smuggled past...
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-- you’re in line at the airport to be checked by the Transportation Security Administration, you know you’ve gotta down that 16.9-fluid-ounce water bottle and ditch your cigarette lighter, right?
Snakes on a Plane….Almost
This guy almost recreated a famous Sam L. Jackson movie, but thankfully, TSA saw right through him...literally. A seemingly ordinary man was getting ready to board a flight at the Miami International Airport, but as he walked through TSA’s scanner, the officers noticed something in his pants that didn’t look quite right.
If It’s Not Snakes, it’s Eels
Miami must be a hotspot for smuggling animals because this next story also takes place at the Miami International Airport. Like most international travellers, a passenger heading to Venezuela nonchalantly checked their bag...and luckily, so did TSA because they found a bag of live eels, 163 tropical fish, and 22 invertebrates in the luggage.
Explosion Waiting to Happen
I was always told that when you see a good deal on gas, you should stock up….just not when you’re about to board a plane.
Live Animals
Have you ever accidentally packed your beloved furry friend in your suitcase only to find him after you checked your bag at the airport? Neither have I, but it has happened. One woman was heading out of New York’s LaGuardia airport when a TSA agent flagged her down about her checked bag.
Person Remains at the Airport
The only thing weirder than finding a live animal in a suitcase is finding a dead human. One passenger tried to board the plane at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport with a few clay pots.
Knife-Wielding Senior Citizen
After hearing this story, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the lax treatment that senior citizens get when they go through airport checkpoints.
Blast Away
This passenger certainly wanted to shake things up a bit….thankfully, it was at the TSA checkpoint, not on the plane. Someone boarding a plane at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport tried to sneak a homemade avalanche charge into their carry-on luggage.
These Plushes Weren’t Just Stuffed with Fluff
This next guy definitely won’t be winning the Father of the Year Award. While a man and his toddler were going through airport security at the T.F. Green Airport in Rhode Island, TSA officers saw something suspicious in their carry-on bag as it went through the scanner, so they called in Law Enforcement Officers to search it.
Dangerous Lipstick
Don’t be offended the next time a TSA officer uncaps your lipstick...they’re just doing their job. In 2012, two weapons disguised as lipstick tubes were confiscated, one in Burlington, Vermont and the other in Akron, Ohio.
Lipstick Isn’t the Only Thing You Need to Worry About
Alright, so your lipstick passed through security, but what about your shoes? One woman flying out of Baltimore-Washington International Airport packed her high heels in her carry-on bag. No big deal, right?
We’re Not in the Hayfields Anymore
Every now and then, TSA takes away knives from passengers who clearly didn’t read the rules before showing up at the checkpoint, but this one is a bit out of the ordinary.
No Suicides Today
Finds like these is the reason TSA exists. A passenger checked a bag at the Indianapolis International Airport only to have the electric matches, potassium chlorate, titanium powder, and suicide vest found inside the bag confiscated.
Stupid Stoner
We’re guessing this passenger got high on his own supply before attempting to pull off this stunt. As a Denver passenger was going through security at the Bellingham International Airport, he, along with everyone else in line, was stopped immediately when TSA officers saw a hand grenade in his carry-on bag as it passed through the scanner.
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