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Friday 10 February 2017

25 ADVANTAGES of SOCIAL MEDIA That Are Good To Keep In Mind

Social Media is everywhere. Not being connected via social media is the exception, not the rule. While there are many debates, complaints, and legitimate downsides to being connected 24/7, there are also a lot of advantages that some of us take for granted or may not even be aware of. To help us appreciate having the world just a friend request away, here are 25 Advantages of Social Media That Are Good To Keep In Mind. Be sure to like and share!

25 Advantages of Social Media That Are Good To Keep In Mind | List25

It can aid in criminal investigations.

It keeps us informed about the world.

Shy people (or those with anxiety or things like Asperger's syndrome) have an outlet to connect with people, speak their mind, and share their talents with the world.

It exposes us to different points of view, new ideas, and gives the power to research those opinions and discuss them with others.

It keeps us in touch with friends and family who are far away.

If you have a business, particularly a small local or internet based business, Social Media is an incredible tool to reach your customers.

It helps us find stuff we need and get rid of stuff we don't.

Helps us connect with people who are into the same weird stuff we are, and expand our skill set.

In 2015 a woman vacationing in Greece fell 30 feet off a cliff, and landed on a ledge.

Information spreads really quickly.

Social Media helps fund charities and fill specific needs of individuals.

Reviews on social media are invaluable.

Much like the aforementioned charities, Social Media allows small businesses to get off the ground, or new products to be made without creators having to resort to a typical loan, via crowdfunding.

It provides amazing market research for larger companies.

You can get to know someone and vet them before you meet them in person.

It lets us share our creations - music, art, self published books on ereaders - with the world, quickly and usually for free.

In that same vein, Social Media allows us to support artists making music and videos via Patreon and sharing.

Social Media is great for the consumer, as well as the company.

Introduces us to new things.

Increase your knowledge on a college level or higher.

Win Fabulous Prizes!

Dating is now somewhat simplified.

Social media has made casual gaming cool again.

It keeps our minds occupied.

Social Media can help you achieve your goals and offer support.

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Thursday 9 February 2017

14 Dark Secrets of the Scientology Church

Scientology: You may have heard about how great this church is from superstars like Tom Cruise. But outside the celebrity charm the church harbours some very dark secrets.

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-- - You may have heard about how great the church is from superstar actors like John Travolta and Tom Cruise, but outside of the celebrity charm the church harbors some very dark secrets.

The Corrupt Leader

L. Ron Hubbard is known for being the founder of the Church of Scientology and not as well known for his deceitful financial tactics.

Operation “Snow White”

While you wish this were a Disney sequel, Operation Snow White was a major criminal conspiracy perpetrated by the Church of Scientology.

The Mysterious Death of Lisa McPherson

Lisa McPherson was a follower of the Church of Scientology until her untimely and mysterious death in 1995.

Good Touch Bad Touch Part 2

Donald Anthony Strawn, a long-time member of the church was convicted of the molestation of 2 girls, ages 11 and 13.

Operation Freakout

It’s best not to speak out against the Church of Scientology or you might just have a poorly titled operation carried out against you.

Operation Daniel

Never before has the Church of Scientology hated someone as much as they hated Paulette Cooper. Before Operation Freakout there was Operation Daniel.

Operation Dynamite

Operation Dynamite was the Church of Scientology’s 3rd and most devious attempt to have Paulette Cooper incarcerated or put in a psychiatric institution.

The Murder Hotel

Fort Harrison Hotel in Clearwater, Florida has long been the venue for Scientology retreats but not everyone returns.

The Fatal Pilgrimage of Roger Nind

Roger Nind was an Australian Scientologist who left the Church in 1992 because of moral differences.

Harriet Baker

Harriet Baker was an elderly woman and a member of the Church of Scientology. After her husband passed due to cancer the Church appeared at her doorstep and forced her to pay $1300 for an audit on grief management.

Child Abuse

The Church of Scientology has had a long and dark history of child abuse. Jenna Miscavige Hill was a third generation Scientologist who group up exclusively inside of the Church.

Heribert Pfaff

Heribert Pfaff was a Scientologist and an epileptic. He had long been on medication that prevented his epileptic episodes until he joined the church of Scientology.

The Death of Elli Perkins

Elli Perkins was a Scientologist, professional glass artist, and Scientology auditor of New York. Her son Jeremy was a paranoid schizophrenic. Jeremy showed signs of mental instability from a young age but due to Scientology's doctrines, she was not able to seek out the help of modern medicine.

25 Things You Should Know Before Building A Computer

Have you ever considered building your own computer? Computers are incredibly important to our 21st century lifestyle, however certain computers can only do so much. Whether you're an avid gamer, or somebody who needs a good computer for their work, often times you won't find exactly what you need sitting on the shelves at your local department store. When that happens most people try to find what they need online, however there is another way that many people overlook because they believe it's either too difficult or too expensive. People have been customizing their own machines since they first hit the market, and building your own personalized computer from scratch is the only sure-fire to get exactly what you want. If you are somebody who is looking for help building their first computer, or if you are someone who's considering the possibility but needs to more, here are 25 Things You Should Know Before Building A Computer.

25 Things You Should Know Before Building A Computer | List25

Know What's Best for You

Save Your Money

Decide on a Price Range

Know the Parts

Look Inside a Computer

Ask Questions



Graphics Card

The Processor

Cooling System

Random-access Memory

Hard Drive Options


Operating System

Optical Drives


Find a Clean Workspace

Buy Parts Together

Inspect Parts Beforehand

Handle Parts with Care

Avoid Static

Work With Somebody

Follow Instructions

Care and Maintenance

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Image Credits : by : Darren Marlar

Wednesday 8 February 2017

15 Weapons That Are Banned in Warfare

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Image Credits : by : Darren Marlar

5 Billionaires Who Lost All Their Money

Here are 5 of the richest people in the world who lost all of their money.


10 Richest Kids in the World: Famous Celebrities Who Ruined Their Careers: Rich Is Bill Gates?: our site: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: Billionaires Who Lost All Their Money

25 Most BIZARRE THINGS Ever Sold On eBay

Can you guess some of the most bizarre things ever sold on eBay? This may not come as a surprise to some of you but people have sold some really bizarre things on the site. Like REALLY bizarre. Founded in 1995, eBay is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company, providing consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales services via the Internet. Every day, millions of collectibles, decor, appliances, computers, furnishings, equipment, domain names, vehicles, and other miscellaneous items are listed, bought, or sold on eBay. For the most part, they are all normal stuff...for the most part. But then you get those items, the ones that make you say to yourself "Who would buy this?!", then realize you, you would buy this. From a ghost in a jar and Britney Spears´ hair to New Zealand (the actual country) and an unfaithful wife, here are 25 Most Bizarre Things Ever Sold On eBay.

25 Most Bizarre Things Ever Sold On eBay | List25

Illinois-shaped cornflake - That's the last state I needed to complete my United States of Cornflakes collection!

Water left by Elvis Presley - That's gotta smell by now, right?

Ad space on man´s forehead - I'm picturing "List25" on his forehead.

Meaning of life - Maybe it was just the instruction manual for the board game.

Guinea pig armor - Well, duh. Who wants exposed guinea pigs?

E.T.-shaped breakfast - That the last character I need to complete my 80's-iconic-movie-character-shaped food collection!

Ghost in jar - Well, yeah. You ever try to keep a ghost in a net? Although I heard shells work pretty well.

Right to name baby - George Foreman should've done this.

Britney Spears’ pregnancy test - Yeah, this one's pretty bizarre.

New Zealand - At what point would they have to tell all the residents?

Ian Usher´s life - Again, could have just as easily been the board game.

Casey Anthony´s Halloween mask - Why?

Brussels sprouts leftover - Not many people like them when they're fresh, let alone left overs.

The town of Bridgeville - I'll take one town, please.

Virgin Mary-shaped grilled cheese sandwich - That's the religious icon I needed to complete my food-items-that-look-like-religious-icons collection! (I have a lot of specific collections).

Meteorite from Mars - If it's legit, that's pretty awesome. The price? Not so awesome.

New sea urchin species - Well, that's one way to find a new species.

Combat jet - Better luck next time.

German language - So would people have to pay the winner whenever they spoke German? How would this sale have worked?

Soccer team - One soccer/football team, please.

Lunch with Warren Buffet - And which "lunch with a celebrity" would $5 get me?

Golf balls eaten by snake - More like One Thousand FORE-hundred, amirite?

Sending cremated remains to space - To infinity and beyond, I guess.

Britney Spears´s hair - I wonder if the person who bought the pregnancy test also bid on this auction.

Unfaithful wife - I feel like this isn't legal. Just a hunch.

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