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Monday 5 December 2016

10 Write-In Candidates Taking on Hillary and Trump

If you thought Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were the strangest options for the 2016 presidential election then think again! These write-in candidates make Trump and Hillary look sane almost... Almost!

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-- some of them... are just plain crazy.

Frank Atwood is a Colorado politician who drives around in a yellow vehicle and is running for president... exceept that hes not really running for president. Atwood belongs to the approval voting party....

Princess Khadijah M. Jacob-Fambro is a california woman running for president under the guise of the "revolutionary party".

Jim Hedges is a candidate for president from Pennsylvania who believes in a lot of great things. Following the constitution, bringing health care to the state level, working out foreign trade so that its even, making american independent when it comes to energy and oil, and free education for those who qualify. .

Bradford Lyttle is a peace activist who believes in non violent defense and is running for the pacifist party. He wants to disarm all the militaries in the world, take the us militaries budget to zero and take away the patriot act.

Joe Exotic is a candidate for president from Oklahoma who is also known as Joseph Maldonado. Joe took his husbands name when the two got married, and he currently runs the Exotic Animal park in Wynnewood oklahoma.Mr. Exotic actually has a reasonable platform running as an independent.

Dan Vacek Now tell me if you like this... putting gangs out of business. Yes. End racism. Yes. Stop people from getting shot... yes and yes. But how do you go about doing that? Build up the police? Bring reform to gun laws? Better the education system? No. You obviously legalize weed!

Santa Roy Clark is an independent candidate from Kentucky who is running on the love platform, namely.. Love yourself, love others, and love your country and sees it as the solution to all of our problems. Among his platform promises he intends to simplify government, protect veterans, reduce the deficit, balance the budget and also to... pass laws in simple english with no pork.

Todd Clayton Jr. is man who loves to write poetry, enjoys history, engages in theological study. And has even completed a stage play. Hes a rennasaince fair enthuiast, loves gaming and is running for president. Clayton Jr claims the chivalry party, a party that respects the people and not the government.

Mike Fahl, Straight from whats called the "cherry picker party" with his fear of skynet, sees the need to eliminate robots and put power into the hands of the people. He also sees a need to take care of the homeless... and how will he pay for it? By making drugs and prostitution legal, along with decoupling money from free speech... and infusing Malthusian Anti-natalism as a way of living for americans... that basically means he wont allow you to have children. At all... ever.

Honorable mentions here should be given to:

Zoltan Istvan, Model and actress Temperance Lance Council,Shiela Tittle

Curtis Woolsey. claims to run under the "christian party", which at its core stands for a lot of morally positive things, enforcing the constitution, giving power to the states, ending Nato and a lot of other things that would seemingly make our country better.

Will you be voting for any of them? And what do you think?

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